Friday, September 5, 2008

Am I ready for this?

On September 3rd we officially became a family of 6. Ron got custody of his oldest son Matt. It was a crazy day but all worked out for the best. I have not posted anything about the custody battle until now because the internet is such a public forum and I didn't want the wrong eyes coming across my blog. But now that all is said and done, I can fill in the blanks. We have been fighting for custody of Matt the last couple of months and it's actually moved along quite quickly. We were really trying to get him here to start school. Our attorney notified us a week in advance of our court date in Havre, Montana. We scrambled to get things ready and to prepare ourselves for what could be a long hearing. We got together our documents, discussed our plans for Matt and prayed that everything would go in our favor. I was fine and dandy until our attorney advised me that I would be testifying in court. What?!? Are you kidding?? I had certainly not anticipated that! I just wanted to sit there and be a supportive wife...not be up on the stand! So of course I over analyzed everything and probably got nervous for no reason. The day of court I had to wait outside the courtroom until it was my turn to be called to the witness stand. I felt like I was going to throw up. Combining nerves with no sleep was not pleasant. But surprisingly it went okay. Our attorney asked me basic questions that I had no problem answering. Then it was time for cross-examination. I felt like I was on an episode of Law & Order. The opposing attorney stood up and asked me a couple of questions, that in my opinion were completely pointless, but I guess he had to ask something. Ok, my turn was over...PHEW! Sadly for Ron, his interrogation wasn't as easy as mine, but he did great. The judge came back with his decision that Matt would come live with us during the school year. YAY!! We were so thrilled and so glad that our hard work paid off. Matt was jumping up and down outside the court room once he realized he would be leaving with us that day. We love having him with us!!


spaceyhawks said...

Oh my goodness!!!! I'm so happy for you guys that it worked out. I'm flipping out about having one kid and here you have 4 now. That's awesome and my hat is truly off to you. ;-)
Miss you!

Anonymous said...

I'm excited for you and your family. I think it's going to be a challenge but one that's definitely worth it. You and Ron are going to be able to provide such a great environment for Matt!