Thursday, September 25, 2008

National Comic Book Day

After reading my friend Nandango's blog today, I thought her entry was fun so decided to post something similar here. Apparently there are many national holidays none of us knew existed. According to this site you can look up which national holiday falls on your birthday. Turns out that mine is Donald Duck Day. Who knew?? I guess I know what my party theme will be for the big 3-0 next year! So look up your national day and let me know what it is! The website is:


Heather said...

My birthday is national I am in control day. Oh good, glad that it is only one day a year!!!!

NanciDrysdale said...

My birthday is national potato chip fitting!!!

Anonymous said...

As you read on my blog, mine is National Beheading Day. HAHA! That's pretty much the most awesome thing I've heard in a while.