I know that this post may come across as fiction, especially to those who know me, but please be assured I am not bored enough to come up with a story like this.
Yesterday afternoon I got a call from Nanci asking me to print off a school paper for her son and take it down to her parent's house where her son was staying (Nanci is out of town for a couple of days). I had not showered, or even changed my clothes from what I slept in (sad I know). The night before had been a little difficult and I cried more than a few tears...I just needed a good cry I guess. Sadly for me, when I cry my face is horrific. My skin gets all blotchy and my eyes get all red and puffy...it's really quite disgusting. Although it was almost 24 hours later, my face was still red and gross. I figured I was just dropping off a paper, so I made no efforts to improve my appearance. Once I was out of the house with no kids in tow, I thought maybe I would run to Walmart to pick up a few items for our Halloween dinner. I literally went back and forth on whether or not to go because I looked so disgusting. I finally convinced myself to go...it was 8:30 at night, surely I wouldn't see anyone I know and I would just be in and out...real quick.
When I am slobbed out I make it a point not to make eye contact with people in the store. I guess it's just a quirk I have, but when I'm looking so disgusting I don't have the confidence to be myself. So I'm minding my own business, getting the things I needed. I'm walking up and aisle and I see a tall man walking towards me. He obviously saw me look at him then right back down at my shopping list. I didn't want to be rude so as I got a few feet from him I looked up, smiled and looked right back down again. He stopped and said "what's up baby girl?" What? Did that really just happen? I manage to get a quick "hi" out and continue walking. At this point I feel a little sick to my stomach...like I had done something wrong. I know that's silly, but he totally took me off guard! So I blow it off and continue getting my items. I see him occasionally up and down the aisles and am trying to avoid him at all costs. I end up turning the corner off an aisle and turned right back around because he was standing right there. I played it off like I had forgotton something in that aisle and ended up buying a box of crackers I did not need. One of the last items I needed to get was minced onion. I don't buy spices on a regular basis, so I'm pretty handicapped in that aisle. It took me a few minutes to scan over the hundreds of spice jars to find the one I needed. It took a few minutes too long because it gave time for my Walmart friend to sneak up behind me. I'm standing there scanning the shelves when he comes right up behind me, puts his hand on my tush and leans in real close. He asks "hey girl, what are you doing after you're done shopping?" I am frozen. I don't know what to say or how to react. I pulled it together, turned around and said "going home to my family." I backed away from him as he said "girl, don't play me like that, you aint wearing no ring." At this point I'm pretty amused. This guy must be blind or VERY lonely to be hitting on me! I chuckled and said "listen, I'm flattered but I really am happily married." It was then that he backed off and I'm assuming moved on to his next victim.
I hurried and got the heck out of the store. When I got home I told Ron about what happened and I'm not quite sure that he believes me. Like I said, I have better things to do then sit here and make up a story like this. It happened. I don't ever want it to happen again. *shudder*