Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Guess I should go brush...

This afternoon I was sitting at the computer when Julia walked up to me and asked me to get her a glass of water. I took her face in my hands, pushed my nose against hers and sarcastically said "oh I don't think so!" She pulled back from me and said "whoa mom, your breath smells like dirty underwear!" Of course I had to do a quick check and I can assure you she was exaggerating. :) I'm not sure what I should be more worried about....the smell of my breath, or the fact she knows what dirty underwear smell like! Guess I'll be brushing extra long tonight!


Nandango said...

HAHA!! Kids can be funny sometimes. I just got back from lunch with Amanda. Here's her blog address http://ajusanda.blogspot.com

Heather said...

that is so funny, kids are sooo honest LOL

spaceyhawks said...

That is way too awesome. I'd be worried about the dirty underware myself. ;-)