Thursday, November 15, 2007

That's not permanent is it?

It has become a ritual lately when I get home from work the kids greet me at the door and jump up and down screaming 'mommy's home!' It is adorable and so fun to see that they actually missed me. However, tonight I was greeted by Tanner only and I immediately noticed something on his forehead. As I hung up my coat I saw Julia sheepishly poking her head around the corner. Upon further examination of his forehead, I saw T-A-and part of an N written on him. Now I consider Tanner to be a smart boy, but to write the first 3 letters of his name, on his own head no less, would be genius. I asked Julia to come around the corner and she immediately tried to convince me that Tanner was the mastermind behind the whole incident. I let her know that I was happy she likes to write and is practicing her letters, but little brother's head is not the place to practice. It must have seemed like a good idea at the time. Luckily the pen wasn't permanent!

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